Spring has officially sprung although, I don't know if Michigan actually knows it, yet! We have had some nice days, but nothing to write home (or here, lol) about, they come for a couple days then it's cold again. This summer we plan to do a lot of MI traveling and camping; there are a few places that we know we want to go and then we just plan on doing some research to find more places. We will go camping a ton, all over, also. Growing up we took drives around up north and to different places and those are some of my best memories so I want to be able to take my kiddos to some of those places and hopefully more, to give them some awesome childhood memories too. Aaron is going to be playing on 2 softball teams this year, which the girls and I are super excited about; it's one of our family, summer, traditions- to watch him play. We love it! The girls enjoy being out there to play and I love being down there for friends and just because I know how much he enjoys playing.We are nearing the end of the school year, and I am thrilled about it! I am ready to be able to wake up whenever we choose and to not have to get dressed and out the door right away. The girls have been busy at school, making mother's and father's day cards and gifts, going on field trips and just all the finishing up stuff they have to do. They both really love school, I hope that continues as they get older. :)Taylor is officially 5 now, and doesn't let us, or anyone else, forget it. She is always telling everyone who will listen, that she's 5 now. We had her party at the church, in the gym; it was a lot of fun but very very hectic and crazy. Ally's 4th birthday is this wednesday (2 days away) and she had her party last saturday; it was also fun, a little less hectic because there were less kids, but still pretty crazy. I was very excited about them, but even more excited when they were over; it is a lot of stress for me, just making sure everyone is taken care of and running around setting up and cake and food and all that. This year we didn't do a theme for either of the girls, we just rented the blowup castle thing for each party and let the kids go. I think we've decided that we will do combined parties for them for the next couple years and see how that goes; it will certainly save us some money, I hope it will save me some stress, too.Aaron's job is going really good, he really enjoys it. He just finished up his 7th week which was a week to go back and do a little bit more training now he will be able to get certified.So Aaron bought me (us) a new camera, and I LOVE it!! The reason I am writing that here is because I am going to be taking tons of pictures this summer (and past) of my girls and some of my friend's kids and such; I would love to get into photography, mostly as a hobby, not a career. So I will be posting new pictures that I take on here, which will probably mean that I will be updating more than normal, lol... Hey, whatever it takes to get me to update this thing!Thanks, again, for reading my blog! God bless!
Kendall Grace, posin'
This is the "studio" I set up in the livingroom to take pictures of the girls (it is very temporary and I need to make them wear different color shirts than the background so they don't blend in)
Kendall on one of her pre preschool field trips that she gets to go on; this one is at the Saginaw Children's Museum with Ally's class, they have a kitchen all set up with toy appliences and tiled countertops. It was soo cute!

A day at the park

Ally's class went to the Children's museum in Saginaw (the extra little girl is the kid that was assigned to me; there were so many parents that went, the teacher just gave us all our kid and one or two other to take around and let them have more fun)